Captain (temporary Major) Frank G Blaker HLI was attacthed to The 9th Gurka Rifles of the Indian Army in Burma in 1944.
In Burma, during an attack on a Japanese position Major Blaker’s company was held up by heavy fire at close range. Major Blaker advanced ahead of his men through very heavy fire and, in spite of being severely wounded in the arm by a grenade, he located the machine guns, which were the first part of the enemy defence and single-handedly charged the position. When hit by a burst of three rounds through the body, he continued to cheer on his men whilst lying on the ground.
His fearless leadership and outstanding courage so inspired his company that they stormed the hill and captured the objective.
Major Blaker died of wounds while being evacuated from the battlefield. His heroism and self-sacrifice was beyond all praise and contributed in no small way to the defeat of the enemy and to the successful outcome of the operations.