Museum Shop

Welcome to the Royal Highland Fusiliers Museum Online Shop

The Museum shop sells an exciting range of products, most of which you can buy in our online shop – sadly, we are unable to send glassware or china products through the post.

However, you will find an extensive range of regimental memorabilia for the Regiment, antecedent regiments and successor battalion:

  • The Royal Highland Fusiliers (RHF)
  • The Royal Highland Fusiliers, 2nd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland (2SCOTS)
  • The Royal Scots Fusiliers (RSF)
  • The Highland Light Infantry (HLI)
  • The Glasgow Highlanders (GH)

We also stock some really nice jewellery, Dad’s Army items and other interesting “stuff” – all well worth a look!

We do, however, have a very small, but very friendly, staff at the Royal Highland Fusiliers Museum and we are always delighted to hear from you and how you think we can improve our service.

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