Armed Forces Day (AFD), formerly known as Veterans’ Day, is an annual event in the United Kingdom, celebrated in late June to commemorate the service of men and women in the British Armed Forces and to ensure that their contribution should never be forgotten.
Veterans’ Day was first observed in 2006 – created as a permanent extension to Veterans’ Awareness Week (2005); the name was changed to Armed Forces Day in 2009. Armed Forces Day generally concentrates on celebrating living current and ex-servicemen & women, whereas Remembrance Day focuses on honouring the dead.
Armed Forces Day, which is marked across the United Kingdom by local ceremonies and the presentation of veterans’ badges, was officially 27 June – chosen as it is the anniversary of the first investiture of the Victoria Cross in London’s Hyde Park in 1857. However, it is now celebrated on the Saturday nearest that date – this year: Saturday 24 June 2017; however, local celebrations can take place a fortnight either side of that date.
This year’s celebrations have been disrupted by the local council elections and consequent changes in council administrations.
Some of the Armed Forces Day Celebrations in Scotland for 2017 are as follows:
Sat 17 Jun: Ayr Armed Forces Day & Holy Fair
Low Green, Pavilion Road, Ayr
1 – 4 pm
Official flag raising ceremony will be at c1240 pm
Sat 17 Jun: Stirling Stirling Armed Forces Day
King’s Park, Stirling
12 – 5 pm
Entrance free
Mon 19 Jun: Glasgow Flag raising in George Square
Wed 21 Jun: Glasgow Reservist’s Day
Employees are encouraged to wear their military uniform to work
Sat 24 Jun: Glasgow Glasgow Armed Forces Day
Reception in City Chambers for veterans & members of the Armed Forces – invitation only
Sat 24 Jun: Edinburgh Armed Forces Day Edinburgh
Parade through Edinburgh & reception in City Chambers
1030 am – 3.30 pm
Sat 24 Jun: Aberdeen Aberdeen Armed Forces Day
Union Street, Aberdeen
11 am – 5 pm
Sadly, there will be no Armed Forces Day in Dumbarton this year.
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