Service to Commemorate the Battle of Passchendaele
[3rd Battle of Ypres: 31 July – 10 November 1917]
Sunday 30 July 2017
The Battle of Passchendaele, also known as the 3rd Battle of Ypres, took place on the Western Front, between 31 July and 10 November 1917.
As was often the case, the Battle was a series of smaller battles that were fought during those 102 days. Although, there were some initial successes, adverse weather conditions reduced the battlefield to a quagmire and the offensive became, quite literally, bogged down.
It was a very costly battle in terms of casualties on both sides: some 275,000 British and Commonwealth casualties and 220,000 on the German side.
All British and Commonwealth units were involved; in particular, the 9th (Scottish), 15th (Scottish), 51st (Highland) and Royal Naval Divisions.
A Service to commemorate this terrible, bloody Battle will be held at Glasgow Cathedral at 1100 on Sunday 30 July 2017 – conducted by the Reverend D J MacPherson CF RAChD.
All are invited to this service and we are keen that as many Service organisations as possible will bring Colours and Standards.
The timings will be as follows:
· 1015: Rehearsal Colours & Standards
· 1045: All seated in Cathedral
· 1100: Service commences
Should you require any further information, please do hesitate to contact RHQ SCOTS West (0141 332 5639).