The Assaye Platoon Veterans' Club
The Museum has started up a club for veterans – The Assaye Platoon Veterans’ Club!
The idea is simple: veterans get together in the Museum for various activities, including:
Photograph Identification – looking at photographs (we have literally hundreds) and telling us who is doing what and where.
Producing videos for the Museum: how to clean kit; how to wear kit; how to use equipment; a bit of drill, etc.
Collecting Nicknames from the Regiment – just about everyone has one and they will disappear if we do not record them now!
We are hoping to start a trail of war memorials for the new Museum with a database of names and possibly, make things to sell in the Museum shop.
Any ideas for activities will be warmly received.
So, if you are at a loose end tomorrow (Thu 14 Jun), the club will be open between 1000 and 1400 – come along and join in.
Did I mention the chocolate biscuits?