Bugle the Assaye Elephant has joined the Royal Highland Fusiliers Veterans’ Battlefield Tour to Germany and we will be following his travels courtesy of our “Errant Chronicler” (Jim Devine) who will hopefully(!) enthrall our readers with photographs and literary ramblings from the front.
Bugle will be accompanied and protected at all times by Jackie, you has been appointed the Keeper of the Elephant for the trip; travelling in his own bag.
The intrepid adventurers departed with Bugle from the Museum in Sauchiehall Street at 08:30 am on Sunday 2 July for an overnight sea voyage from Hull to Rotterdam. All arrived safely at Church House, Lubbecke, Germany at 3 pm on Monday 3 July.
On arrival, there was some discussion about going down into the village for the odd alcoholic beverage; however, discretion got the became the better part of valour with the realisation that there would be a long, uphill hike on the way back!
There are some 34 veterans on this tour – a significant number of whom are octogenarians and nonagenarians, led by Major (Retired) Willie Shaw, who it has to be said is not exactly a spring chicken either!
No doubt we will learn something about these fearless explorers during their 10 day tour.
Sennelager Training Area beckons on the morrow!
The Errant Chronicler 😊
Incidentally, the Museum shop (which will be online next week) sells replicas of Bugle and Bugle-bags!